Bakery school Project
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AlbcontactCenter is implementing Bakery school project since 2011. Is legally certified as organization from Albanian government to deliver services and professionals trainings in the field of “Doll Production and patisserie”
Bakery and patisserie training modules are realized based on the dual system, theory and practice in the real business. A normal training in Bakery and patisserie lasts one year.
Albvcontact Center develops bakery trainings in different modules based on a professional program made possible from nationals and internationals experts came from Germany through SES PROJECT /DIHA organization and Kemps Foundation through Brot Gegen Not project.
Students from “Hysen Cela “ Technological School in Durres and professionals Bakers from all over Albania are the direct beneficiaries of trainings and services in Bakery and Patisserie profession
Rreth 200 of the above mentioned beneficiaries got the certificate “Skilled/ Baker and passed the professional test in Bakery profession
Swiiscontact , Kamps Foundation , Durres Municipality has been the main donors and partners for the realization of Bakery school in Albania
The project is running in Durres in close cooperation with local Business and Durres Chamber of Commerce.