Who we are

Albcontact Profile

Albcontact Center http://albcontact.com/ is a local NGO working in the field of Vocational Training and Employment mainly for young job seekers in Albania. It is founded in 2010 and is located in the city of Durres and Tirana. Its activities are managed by the Board of Directors, who are experts in the field of Vocational Training and Employment. ALbcontactCenter is grassroots oriented and works directly with vulnerable groups in local communities and at the same time collaborates with relevant stakeholders in vocational training, employment, and entrepreneurship. The vision of the Centre is to create opportunities for Labor Market access for young jobseekers and vulnerable target groups in Albania through facilitating Vocational Training based on the dual system: theory and practice in the real business sector. Some of our more recent activities include:

Connection with the local business community makes the right orientation skills and facilitates access to the labor market. Albcontact is a full Member of the Durres Chamber of Commerce

Mediation for employment is a project born as a necessity to serve the business finding staff for work. As per Mediation for an Employment activity, we have created simple online platforms https://www.facebook.com/punesim.trajnim & http://albcontact.com/ accessible for business and job seekers in the order they find each other in the labor market

Albcontact is developing a Prior Learning Recognition project since 2018. The project is serving directly to the returned emigrants for certifying their knowledge and skills gained during their work in migration. Albcontact made possible the conduction of the process and has achieved to certify 70 professionals in the field of Dough Maker profession https://www.facebook.com/shkolle.gjermane

Coaching for Employment is a project already implemented in Kavaja. The goal of the project was the integration of returned emigrants through the case management integration methodology adapted by Swisscontact and financially supported by GIZ. Participants in the project have benefited from consultancies, technical & personal training, and equipment support. This has been in close cooperation with local stakeholders at the Municipality level

Covid 19 has very much affected our lives. “At home, but not alone” is another project implemented by Albcontact and financed by ProSEED/ Giz in Kavaja. The project aimed to provide medical care and sanitary staff to the most vulnerable category of people with chronic disease in the pandemic situation


Albcontact works with different partners at local and international levels acting mainly in the field of Skills Development, Employment, Migration, and Social Inclusion. We have established partnership relationships with organizations such as Swisscontact, Diha, GIZ, ProSSED/Giz, Municipality of Durres, Durres Chamber of Commerce, Schools, and Business Organizations. Albcontact provides project management, consultancies, information, and support services for the development of innovative concepts/ business plans. It is recently registered in the below software

https://www.eucall.net/ https://www.weBalcans.eu https://www.WorkwithUSAID.org and has actively attended national and International conferences: International Conference “ Building Lifelong Learning Systems Skills for Green and Inclusive Societies in the Digital Era “ ETF(Europa. EU) 21-25 June 2021; Youth Entrepreneurship in SEET, a Window of Opportunities “ 16/10/2020. ETF Event; LABOUR-INT Conference. International Labor Conference. May 2021 EU Western Balkans and Turkey Civil Society Forum 2022, 8 & 9 June SKOPJE Albcontact has internally developed its communication and dissemination channels and is using Local Media to promote its activities. It counts more than 10 000 followers on its online outreach https://www.facebook.com/albcontact

Contact Us

Offices in Durres and Tirana, Albania