“At home, but not alone” Project
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“At home but not alone” project is planned to be implemented in Kavaja mainly in rural area. Even though this region is geographically centered in Albania there is still a high rate of unemployment and poverty. 3442 job seekers are officially registered and treated with economic aid in Kavaja. Main sector of incomes are remittances. In rural community there are mostly elderly people staying together in the center of the villages and playing domino or carts. The parents are living alone in their big houses, young generations have migrated mainly in Italy and Germany. The remaining families are mainly engaged in agriculture livestock and fishing. Community development is based on small activities business.
Kavaja counts 1036 invalids assisted by local government. This information is provided by the Sector of Economic Assistance Sector of the Municipality of Kavaja, in April 2020. Only 96 invalids receive necessary cares. Others should deal with their situation by themselves. Due to their health problems, Covid19 put this category as most exposed in the risk of infection. In this situation, they need medical and sanitary assistance and they cannot directly to consult doctors.